Monday, December 29, 2008

The Brilliant Green - Ash Like Snow

You may think the singer, Tomoko Kawase is cute.... well, she is like 33 years old and married. To the bassist of the band.

Acting cute you might say. Fake-up you might say, but you know what, all I cared was good music. I like her cute baby voice.


I'm Dee, I love the Rain alot. said...

i like the brilliant green leh. -_-and i dun even know she's dat old leh..wa lau eh LOLLL now then you blog abt it..i know yeeee. LOL

Omg i want be like her..till i grow old still look the same like now. i think i can! :D hahaha

Angel_X said...

haha her face is round.... and she like play play in the mv... not serious.