Saturday, January 31, 2009

Chinese New Year is boring

The only thing that I like about Chinese New Year (CNY) was that you get to get red packets. The rest was all routine junks.

Just like Christmas, it has turned into a commercialized, boring holiday with nearly all the traditions and its meanings forgotten.

Yes, it's all lip-service and frontal displays.

For example, those who haven't married get red packets, but what about those in sensitive ages like me who happen to be 25 years old dude?

"huh? (smles and hands you a red packet) So big already still red packets ar? when you wanna get married huh?"

Man, my dignity doesn't just worth RM2, you know.

And then there's these weirdos who happen to give away red packets to virtually ANY people that he bump into.

Well, the thingies inside the red packets POTENTIALLY packs a big punch; a lottery ticket, but from my past years of experience, hell of a slim chance you'll strike big.

How fake is that? I mean, either you do not give, or you just give a buck. I don't care though.... the main reason of the red packet is the token that counts, not the amount..... OK I admit that I love money.... who doesn't? But I do think it's time to stop and think what is the real meaning of Lunar New Year to us.

Then there are the ever nagging questions of the elder relatives.

If you're not married? "huh, haven't married ar? When you wanna get married??? Wanna get red packets until you're old ar?"

Married already? When give birth to a child?

Got children already? Lemme see.... lemme see..... huh? a girl ar? Ai yo.... when to have a boy?

Got a boy already? when to have a second one?

Jesus Christ.

1 comment:

Phoenix T said...

hi, just bump into your blog trough ahs and i cant help commenting here. Man, you are just SO DAMN TRUE!!! Malaysian = kepoh!