Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Should Chin Peng be allowed to come back to Malaysia.

Today i had a rather heated debate with a classmate of mine during the class.

When the lecturer mentioned The case of Chin Peng's application to return to Malaysia, I casually said, "He should not be allowed to return to Malaysia." My course mate, the course representative shouted, "He is an old man, he cannot do anything bad anymore...." all those kind of crap.

So the fuck what he is an old man? He had no remorse of waging war with the government, he had no remorse of killing innocent lives during the emergency times. Hell, our government spared his life by allowing him to live his worthless life in anywhere. He should be thankful that we never sent assassins to kill him during the armistice agreement signing.

I got flared up and just told her to shut up.

No use wanna talk about it, just felt sad for those soldiers and innocent people who got killed under his orders. They fought for nothing..... thanks to some people who doesn't even know the meaning of "Justice".

You wanna forgive and forget? Then try this thought experiment: 30 years ago, a man broke into your house, and plunder everything, rape and kill everyone in your house except you. He then escaped to another country. You know who is the culprit, and 30 years later, he wanted to come back to your country, but he never felt regretted for what he had done. Will you allow him to come back? Can you still contain yourself when you see your blood enemy appear in the KLIA?

That is what those family members of sacrificed servicemen felt. They fought and give their lives for this country, and the people they tried to protect defends their murderer. What a shame!

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